rotterdam centraal station redeveloped by team CS
photo by jannes linders
all images courtesy of team CS




‘rotterdam centraal station’ has been redeveloped to represent the transportation hub’s important role not only within the city, but also as part of the european train network. the project, a unique collaboration by benthem crouwel architects, MVSA architects and west 8, accommodates 110,000 passengers per day and has been designed to cater for up to 323,000 daily travelers by 2025.

rotterdam centraal station redeveloped by team CS
the wooden finish of the roof and the granite stone floor ensure a welcoming station concourse
photo by jannes linders




located between a residential area to the north, and the city center to the south, the new building attempts to integrate fully within its dual environment. the transparent hall at the north of the site matches the restrained character of its late 19th century surroundings, making a modest impression, while to the south, a sense of grandeur and arrival is created through an eye-catching roof structure. additionally, an adjoining concourse area directly links the terminal with trams departing outside, as well as with connecting metro lines.

rotterdam centraal station redeveloped by team CS
the brightly lit station hall guides travelers inside
photo by jannes linders




in order to form a connection with ‘rotterdam centraal’s’ past, elements from the former construction, built in 1957, are incorporated within the design. two sculptures cast from the previously existing granite structure sit above the entrance to a vehicle storage facility with room for 750 cars and 5,200 bicycles. additionally, the original sign and station clock are featured as part of the new southern façade.

rotterdam centraal station redeveloped by team CS
the station is flooded with natural light
photo by jannes linders




environmental sustainability has also been considered with 130,000 solar cells, positioned across 10,000 sqm of the 28,000 sqm roof, (one of the largest solar rooftop projects in europe), reducing the building’s carbon dioxide emissions by 8%.

rotterdam centraal station redeveloped by team CS
two sculptures cast from the original granite structure sit above the entrance to a vehicle storage facility
photo by jannes linders

rotterdam centraal station redeveloped by team CS
the station’s former sign and clock are proudly displayed on the southern façade
photo by jannes linders


benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom
benthem crouwel rotterdam centraal station designboom


project info:


location: stationsplein 1, 3013 AJ rotterdam, the netherlands
client: gemeente rotterdam and prorail
team CS: a cooperation between benthem crouwel architects, MVSA meyer en van schooten architecten and west 8
gross floor area: 46,000 sqm (495,140 sqf)
completed: 2013


lead architects: jan benthem, marcel blom, adriaan geuze, jeroen van schooten
project team: arman akdogan, anja blechen, freek boerwinkel, amir farokhian, joost koningen, joost van noort, falk schneeman, daphne schuit, matthijs smit, andrew tang, wouter thijssen and joost vos
structural engineer: arcadis and gemeentewerken rotterdam
mechanical services: arcadis and gemeentewerken rotterdam
building physics: arcadis and gemeentewerken rotterdam
contractor: bouwcombinatie TBI rotterdam centraal (BTRC), iemants NV (zuidhal)
photography: jannes linders