at the 2018 venice architecture biennale, the nordic pavilion presents ‘another generosity’ — an exhibition that explores the relationship between nature and the built environment, and how architecture can facilitate the creation of a world that supports the symbiotic coexistence of both. the pavilion creates a spatial experience designed to heighten our awareness of our environment. curated by eero lundén and juulia kauste, ‘another generosity’ is an attempt to foster dialogue, debate, and criticism to help reveal new ways we can shape our world with another generosity — a generosity not just between humans, but between humans and nature. 

nordic pavilion venice architecture biennale
‘another generosity’ considers a structure that consists of a membrane holding two basic elements
image © designboom (also main image)



‘humankind is actively shaping the world today,’ say the curators. ‘the geological impact of human activity is so pronounced that it has changed the behavior of our planet. this is the epoch of the anthropocene. though the anthropocene may appear to mark the moment humans have come to overpower nature, it is also an opportunity to rethink the most fundamental relationship between our buildings and ecology. architecture should be considered a tool for redefining the complete cycle of building, from its most basic components to its operating systems.’

nordic pavilion venice architecture biennale
each membrane holds two basic elements: air and water
image © designboom



‘another generosity’ considers a structure that consists of a membrane holding two basic elements: air and water. the simple structures are combined to create a visible and dynamic cellular structure. mediating between the natural and built environment, the inflated elements respond to external and sometimes unseen stimuli, creating a new kind of experience, a momentary hesitation and greater awareness of our surroundings. see designboom’s ongoing coverage from the 2018 venice architecture biennale here.

nordic pavilion venice architecture biennale
the simple structures are combined to create a visible and dynamic cellular structure
image © designboom

nordic pavilion presents 'another generosity' at the venice architecture biennale
image © sergio grazia

nordic pavilion presents 'another generosity' at the venice architecture biennale
image © sergio grazia

nordic pavilion presents 'another generosity' at the venice architecture biennale
image © sergio grazia

nordic pavilion presents 'another generosity' at the venice architecture biennale
image © sergio grazia

nordic pavilion presents 'another generosity' at the venice architecture biennale
image © designboom

nordic pavilion presents 'another generosity' at the venice architecture biennale
image © designboom

nordic pavilion presents 'another generosity' at the venice architecture biennale
image © designboom

nordic pavilion presents 'another generosity' at the venice architecture biennale
image © sergio grazia

nordic pavilion venice architecture biennale
image © designboom



project info:


commissioners: juulia kauste (until 04.04.2018), reetta heiskanen/museum of finnish architecture, nina berre/norwegian national museum of art, architecture and design, kieran long/ArkDes
curators: eero lundén and juulia kauste
organized by: museum of finnish architecture; norwegian national museum of art, architecture and design; ArkDes
collaborators: exhibition design by lund & architecture company in collaboration with burohappold engineering, and aalto university, fabrication by pneumocell
supporters: the exhibition is supported by the ministry of education and culture/finland and the ministry of foreign affairs/norway 


venice architecture biennale golden lion

designboom’s coverage of the 2018 venice architecture biennale is in partnership with leading energy company edison. edison is taking part in the 16th international architecture exhibition of la biennale di venezia by initiating a path towards sustainability and the efficient use of resources. the collaboration between edison and la biennale is based on awareness that energy is one of the fundamental elements of architecture and of the places, spaces and cities of contemporary life.