on october 15 the new think tank ‘the why factory’ at the faculty of architecture at the delft university of technology and the structure it occupies, an orange tribune designed by MVRDV will open.

the MVRDV designed premises of ‘the why factory puts the students literally on top. the orange color defines the identity of the institute.

‘the why factory’ is a global urban think tank and research institute led by professor winy maas. it started in 2008 with the ambition to enlarge the argumentative power of the architectural and urbanistic profession.   the why factory’s future cities research program explores the endless possibilities for the development of our cities – at a moment that a majority of the world’s population becomes citizen. the outcome is a series of models and visualisations for the cities of the future, theories and practical solutions, proposals for existing cities, applied software design, movies and a series of publications by nai publishers.

MVRDV's 'the why factory' to open in october the why factory project green dream: a visualization of the dramatic lack of progress in sustainable construction. all LEED certified buildings in the world cover only a small part of midtown manhattan.

MVRDV's 'the why factory' to open in october the why factory: islands that use solar thermal power generation are used in a sustainable energy network and bring beauty back into the debate on green

MVRDV's 'the why factory' to open in october the why factory project: new leisure landscapes by mick van gemert and tanya martinez the death of leisure city/ graduation lab

the first publication of the why factory will be presented on october 15th. the book with the title ‘visionary cities sets the agenda for the city of the future. this first publication in the ‘future cities series’ is intended as an overview of the issues that the why factory is addressing and to outline this research institute’s ambitions and modus operandi for the coming years.