mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand

mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand

mpdstudio has developed an installation that transforms the theater stage of thailand‘s wonderfruit festival (see another project for the festival here) into an all-day dining destination on the lakefront. for the past two years, the bamboo construction has served as the setting for experimental music artists from all over the world. due to the coronavirus pandemic, the stage has been transformed into the ‘theater cafe’ by weaving fishing nets through the bamboo roof of the original construction.mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailandall images by adisorn ruangsiridecha



located at wonderfruit festival near pattaya, thailand, the installation by mpdstudio reimagines the festival’s theater state as an all-day cafe. the back of the stage now serves as the front of the restaurant, offering great views of the lake. at the same time, the center of the stage now serves as an open bar, while on the stage’s wings, visitors can relax and dine at long tables.mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand



measuring 40 by 15 meters, the installation is constructed from steel and complete with red and orange fishing nets that serve as shading for visitors. mpdstudio has weaved the nets from the undulating bamboo structure to the grassy lakeside, while one end is placed low enough for people to touch it and feel its texture. the shape of the installation mimics that of the original stage, serving as an extension of its undulating form.mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailandmpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand

mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand
mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand

mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand

mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand

mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand

mpdstudio weaves fishing nets through the bamboo roof of 'theater cafe' in thailand
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architecture in thailand (343)

bamboo architecture and design (377)

restaurant and café design (853)

rooftop architecture and design (145)