plans have been revealed for a state-of-the-art research and event center in canada dedicated to the health of the honey bee. by learning from one of nature’s most significant architects, the new honey bee research centre (HBRC) at the university of guelph in ontario will focus on research, education, and discovery. designed by moriyama & teshima architects, the low carbon complex will sustainably constructed using timber.

moriyama teshima honey bee
all images courtesy of moriyama & teshima



moriyama & teshima’s design supports flexible research and education for all ages, welcoming children, students, and scholars from around the world. the HBRC will contain a large, multi-functional discovery and learning space, an exhibition area, a research and extraction labs, classrooms, a café, and a gift shop. integrated within the university of guelph campus as well as the natural terrain, the project has been envisioned as both a productive and social landscape that accommodates diverse programming, research, and events.

moriyama teshima honey bee



the timber building is topped with a sweeping canopy that serves as an accessible public space. roof and landscape are integrated through a trail that rises and leads to the HBRC’s ‘interpretive tower’. this landmark structure doubles as a solar chimney and a pollinator friendly habitat — reducing the building’s impact on the environment and its insects. the grounds highlight the productivity of the land formally through cultivated agricultural plots and working hives.

moriyama teshima honey bee

moriyama teshima honey bee

moriyama & teshima architects plans timber honey bee research centre for ontario

moriyama & teshima architects plans timber honey bee research centre for ontario

moriyama & teshima architects plans timber honey bee research centre for ontario

moriyama & teshima architects plans timber honey bee research centre for ontario



project info:


name: university of guelph honey bee research centre
location: guelph, ontario, canada
client: university of guelph
architect: moriyama & teshima architects
project team: diarmuid nash, veronica madonna, olivia keung, luis quezada, pooya aledavood
structural engineer: moses structural engineers
mechanical and engineers: integral group
civil engineer: walterfedy
A/V: integral group
IT: integral group
landscape architect: forrec ltd. landscape architecture studio
code: LMDG buildling code consultants
building envelope: morrison hershfield
exhibition/discovery: LORD cultural services
sustainability: integral
WSP: green roof consultant