modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter

modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter



Serrano + Baquero redefines the traditional animal shelter with their Ciudad de Perros project, an open and humane sanctuary in Granada, Spain, designed to promote freedom, interaction, and vitality for dogs. Rejecting regular cages, the architects introduce prefabricated modular units inspired by the archetypal doghouse. These modules, optimized for mass production, form a flexible, scalable system that adapts to the evolving needs of the shelter. Built with reinforced precast concrete, the structures utilize a single mold with minor variations, enabling economical expansion and reconfiguration.


The project emulates an urban system with open plazas and interconnected spaces, allowing dogs to move freely and engage with their surroundings. Transparent layouts enable animals to perceive the outside world while allowing direct and empathetic connections between visitors and residents. Controlled by staff, these areas ensure a safe, supervised environment. Dogs are organized in rotational shifts based on their health and needs, offering opportunities for outdoor play and social interaction while nurturing their physical and emotional vitality.

modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter
all images by Fernando Alda





Usually, animal shelters prioritize economic constraints, often resulting in confined and oppressive environments characterized by dark corridors and cramped cages. In contrast, the Spanish team at Serrano + Baquero proposes a transformative vision: a shelter conceived as a city—an interconnected space that promotes the well-being of its animal residents.


By aligning the dog houses with recreation yards, the shelter becomes a dynamic city for dogs, where animals are not confined but instead roam, play, and interact as part of a community. This modular approach creates a living, breathing organism—an adaptable shelter designed to grow and evolve with its inhabitants.

modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter
Serrano + Baquero redefines the traditional animal shelter with their Ciudad de Perros project



MODULARITY extends to outdoor spaces


The modular system, introduced with the doghouse units, extends to outdoor spaces, incorporating galvanized steel frames and welded mesh panels to create flexible enclosures and access points. Four frame types allow multiple configurations, providing custom solutions for individual dogs and adapting to the spatial requirements of the shelter. Each unit is paired with a private outdoor area, ensuring ample room for exploration and enrichment while maintaining a sense of personal refuge.


Serrano + Baquero’s Ciudad de Perros proposes a shift in animal care, offering a community-centered alternative to traditional shelters—one that centers around freedom, interaction, and the spirit of its four-legged residents.

modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter
designed to promote freedom, interaction, and vitality for dogs

modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter
inspired by the archetypal doghouse, the architects introduce prefabricated modular units

modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter
optimized for mass production, the modules form a flexible, scalable system


built with reinforced precast concrete

modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter
the structures utilize a single mold with minor variations

modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter
this modular approach creates a living, breathing organism

modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter
Serrano + Baquero’s Ciudad de Perros proposes a shift in animal care

modular prefab units provide refuge for dogs in serrano + baquero’s spanish animal shelter
incorporating galvanized steel frames and welded mesh panels to create flexible enclosures and access points



the project emulates an urban system with open plazas and interconnected spaces



transparent layouts enable animals to perceive the outside world
transparent layouts enable animals to perceive the outside world
allowing direct and empathetic connections
allowing direct and empathetic connections
a shelter conceived as a city
a shelter conceived as a city
offering opportunities for outdoor play and social interaction
offering opportunities for outdoor play and social interaction
by aligning the dog houses with recreation yards, the shelter becomes a dynamic city for dogs
by aligning the dog houses with recreation yards, the shelter becomes a dynamic city for dogs
allowing direct and empathetic connections between visitors and residents
allowing direct and empathetic connections between visitors and residents
each unit is paired with a private outdoor area
each unit is paired with a private outdoor area
plan by Serrano + Baquerro
plan by Serrano + Baquerro

project info:


name: Ciudad de Perros (City of Dogs)

architect: Serrano + Baquerro | @serrano_y_baquero

location: La Vega, Granada, Spain


lead architects: Juan Antonio Serrano García, Paloma Baquero Masats
collaborators: Tommaso De Paoli, María Martín Rodríguez

photographer: Fernando Alda | @fernandoaldafotografo

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