michael jantzen bridges art and science
Michael Jantzen’s Solar and Gravity Powered Art and Science Pavilion is a conceptual design proposal for a kinetic public art structure dedicated to celebrating the relationship between the two disciplines. Vast, sculptural, and environmentally friendly, its design comprises an expansive floor area sheltered under an umbrella-shaped roof, hosting art and science exhibitions alongside various related events within. Sixteen large steel arms are anchored at the center of a towering structure and counterweighted at their orange-colored ends, controlled by a network of winches that periodically pull the arms up to the top in several configurations, powered by a solar cell array atop the tower.
all images courtesy of Michael Jantzen
the pavilion fans out, interacting with sunlight and gravity
When additional energy is required, or there is a desire to send the energy into the local power grid or just to change the shape of the pavilion, the weighted arms are lowered by gravity back down into their original positions around the perimeter of the tower. The kinetic energy generated by this process runs sixteen electric generators to power the pavilion and potentially contribute to the local grid.
Inside the pavilion, visitors can observe the cables that extend from the top of the tower down through the floor, each connected a winch and electric generator. Designer Michael Jantzen envisions each cable marked by an orange colored spot corresponding the weighted ends of the steel arms, creating visual coherency. The Solar and Gravity Powered Art and Science Pavilion thus serves dual purposes: as a monumental kinetic public art sculpture which will draw in tourists, and a celebration of new and exciting ways in which alternative energy systems can be integrated into urban environments.
Michael Jantzen conceptualizes the Solar and Gravity Powered Art and Science Pavilion
sixteen steel arms extend from the central tower into various configurations
the arms generate electricity from the pull of gravity
the pavilion is envisioned to host art and science exhibitions alongside various related events
a network of winches periodically pull the arms up to the top
the kinetic energy generated runs sixteen electric generators to power the pavilion or contribute to the local grid
within, sixteen cables extend from the top of the tower down through the floor
a celebration of new ways in which alternative energy systems can be integrated into urban environments
a large circular solar panel powers the upward movement of the arms and helps power the pavilions other needs
project info:
name: The Solar and Gravity Powered Art and Science Pavilion
designer: Michael Jantzen
designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: ravail khan | designboom