‘casa dels xuklis’ by mbm arquitectes all images courtesy of mbm arquitectes 

casa dels xuklis‘, designed by spanish firm MBM arquitectes, provides sustainable accommodations for families
with children diagnosed with cancer. more than just a residence, the center, located in barcelona, provides the optimal
environment for healing through its approach to design and sustainability. outside of natural resources, the architects
also focused on the social and technical design aspect of both the building and the surrounding garden.
vernacular design features take into consideration the mediterranean culture and climate, as the building responds
to the site it occupies. the orientation takes advantage of the sunlight, the shape ensures cross ventilation, and the garden
ensures home grown vegetables for the tenants and staff. 

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklisoffice entrance 

the structure is made up of two parts, the 25 private dwellings, and the public facilities which include a library,
dining area, community kitchen, garden, and conference room. the apartments make up the four pavilions.
each facing a different way, they create a courtyard, which allows sunlight into the public hallway. while the rooms
themselves are private, this grouping creates four social corners, giving the inhabitants the chance to interact.
each room also has a covered patio with wooden slated doors. these doors can either stay shut or can open into
the communal gardens, further exploring the delicate balance between privacy and community. 

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklispublic facilities 

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklisexterior view of building

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xukliswalkway 

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklisfront lawn

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklisapartment entrances from yard with covered porch

environmental, economic and social sustainability were important factors in construction. features were added
to reduce water consumption, such as the drainage system recycling water from the roof and using it for irrigation.
the kitchen-garden provides vegetables grown on site with the help of the tenants. sound insulation between
apartments and under the zinc roof is reinforced to ensure that noise from outside does not disturb the residents.
thermal insulation also allows for temperature control, keeping heating and cooling costs down, but more importantly
keeping the children as comfortable as possible. 
the facility, started five years ago, will receive its first group of residents this month.   

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklislounge area and garden

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklisview into courtyard 

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklis interior view of hallway

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklismain reception space

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklisview of courtyard at night 

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklisapartment patios 

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklissurrounding gardens 

MBM arquitectes: casa dels xuklisareal night view 

project info:
client: AFANOC and the private foundation of children with cancer 
location: barcelona, spain
employees: josep martorell, oriol bohigas, david mackay, oriol capdevila, francesc gual