
bamboo community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina is like a door to the jungle

‘OCUYREY guarani MBYA hall’ is a project by architect julio ignacio paez that gives a new community space to indigenous peoples in misiones, argentina. located in a remote site, the building is described as ‘a door to the jungle’ and is articulated by an elegant bamboo structure and a large bamboo roof covering. the project seeks to help empower guarani communities by incorporating local knowledge, materials and structural techniques into an architecture that is both sustainable and replicable.

julio ignacio paez builds a community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina designboom

images © federico cairoli



the guarani are a group of indigenous peoples in south america who are united by a shared language and culture. in misiones alone, there are more than 10,000 guarani people spread over 120 communities. speaking about the tireless struggle for indigenous rights, architect julio ignacio paez explains, ‘their determined defense of the environment is due to the fact that nowadays the shortage of vegetation leads to food scarcity, complicates religious practices, makes self-sufficiency impossible and causes weakness. the project aims to contribute to the empowerment of the communities by the means of a common project, replicable and sustainable, that strengthens and preserves their ecosystems and their culture, benefitting their communal and social wellbeing.’

julio ignacio paez builds a community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina designboom



the height and shape of the building were dictated by the bamboo, which was specified for the construction due to its fast growth, great tensile strength, light weight, and considerable carbon dioxide absorption. bamboo also establishes a practical, symbolic, and aesthetic relationship with traditional guarani constructions, reinforcing the sense of belonging over the structure and allowing the community to be involved in the building process. the structure and the roof are built entirely with endemic bamboo. the bases are made of metal with a concrete foundation and the floor and retaining walls are built with local stone.

julio ignacio paez builds a community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina designboom



ancient structural techniques, which are local and sustainable, were paired with simple and accessible industrial techniques that speed up construction time and improve structural quality. thanks to the community involvement, the construction costs were also reduced and new practices were shared, meaning local people can adapt, transform, or replicate the structure. 

julio ignacio paez builds a community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina designboom



the 100 sqm floor area is open plan, allowing it to accommodate a wide variety of functions. it’s currently being used as a place to sell artisanal handicrafts and perform traditional rituals, celebrations and songs to visitors, therefore generating revenue for the community. run by groups of volunteers, social organizations, and the community itself, OCUYREY guarani MBYA hall hopes to become a model for other communities.

julio ignacio paez builds a community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina designboom

julio ignacio paez builds a community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina designboom

julio ignacio paez builds a community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina designboom


julio ignacio paez builds a community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina designboom 

julio ignacio paez builds a community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina designboom

bamboo community hall for indigenous peoples in argentina is like a door to the jungle



00 OCUYREY plant 1 200 A5
01 OCUYREY front view 1 200 A5
02 OCUYREY side view 1 200 A5
03 OCUYREY Axonometric 1 200 A5



project info:


name: OCUYREY guarani MBYA hall

location: aldea kaaguy porá II, comandante andresito, misiones, argentina

architect: julio ignacio paez

collaborators: coop. cabure-í MNCI misiones, taller mediterráneo FAUD UNC

area: 100 sqm (1076.39 sqft)

year: 2019

photography: federico cairoli | @federicocairoli


designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: lynne myers | designboom

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