rolls of brown paper has been draped, hung and used throughout ‘happier café’ in taipei, taiwan. designed by locally-based studio J.C. architecture, the concept explores paper as a materal that is plays a large part of people’s everyday lives.
all images © zach hone
J.C. architecture envisioned the café as an art installation. the landscape of paper whether in rolls flowing overhead to form canopies or downwards to inform seating areas, all contribute to a sense of continuity between materials and boundaries. the various choices of seating, from normal tables to more intimate floor areas have been organized around this simple concept of creating a paper installation gives the temporary café space a distinctive and playful environment for people to interact and socialise as they please.
the rolls of paper is draped overhead to give a sense of boundaries between areas
‘paper undoubtedly performs multiplefunctions in our lives – from when we wake up and read the newspaper in the morning, for materials such as documents, books, paper money and even as toilet paper in the bathroom! paper space is a place for change and evolution, where people feel comfortable but also are key attributes to the space.’ – johnny chiu, J.C architecture