inhabitable estudio provides safe nomadic immigrant shelter
all images courtesy of inhabitable estudio




eder ademar and fernando resendiz of inhabitable estudio in mexico city have designed a nomadic shelter for immigrants. the flexible unit offers a safe place for central americans in transit towards the united states, as they often turn to immigrant centers to ask for housing, food and other types of help. the purpose of the project is to provide accommodation in a secure environment and also access to medical and psychological help.


‘mexico, is a key country when talking about displacements, not only due to its geographical position, but also for the diverse migration flows that occur in it, as it receives hundreds of people in a daily basis who pass through the country and take it as an exit or as a return path, or even for those who arrive there to stay.’ says inhabitable estudio



‘illegal border crossing in mexico’
video courtesy of vice



during the crossing people are faced with migrant trafficking, slavery, clandestine human trafficking, trafficking of drugs and other substances, and others, which are not only detrimental for the migrants in its transit, but also for the national development and public safety. only a fraction of the immigrants who start the journey in central america will traverse mexico completely unscathed, and all this before illegally entering the united states and facing the considerable U.S. border security apparatus designed to track, detain, and deport them.


inhabitable estudio provides safe nomadic immigrant shelter
an image showing part of the complex


inhabitable estudio provides safe nomadic immigrant shelter
the unit is flexible so other buildings can be added to it


inhabitable estudio provides safe nomadic immigrant shelter
the inner court layout offers more privacy and is safer for its occupants


inhabitable estudio provides safe nomadic immigrant shelter
the shelter can be placed in anywhere and respond to its conditions 


inhabitable estudio provides safe nomadic immigrant shelter
the different building components and recycled materials


inhabitable estudio provides safe nomadic immigrant shelter
one design unit covers all the necessities of a complete shelter


inhabitable estudio provides safe nomadic immigrant shelter
section through the building unit


inhabitable estudio provides safe nomadic immigrant shelter
illegal immigrants traveling in a train


‘crossing mexico’s other border’
video courtesy of vice


inhabitable estudio provides safe nomadic immigrant shelter
image of the immigrant route through mexico: the red crosses show the important points of immigrant congregations


designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.