one heart tanzania and hassell team up for community building


Architecture and design studio HASSELL reveals the 3D printed earth design for a central community building in Hope Village, Tanzania, in collaboration with local charity foundation One Heart. This building forms part of a master plan to support, care for, and educate vulnerable young girls within Kibaha on the eastern fringes of Dar es Salaam. The overall masterplan is developed alongside ClarkeHopkinsClarke (CHC), providing safe family accommodation, a school servicing 480 students, and childcare and skills training to benefit the local community. Hope Village alone provides a home for up to 67 children aged 3-18. 

HASSELL hope village tanzania designboom
3D printed earth building in Tanzania | rendering © IMIGO, courtesy HASSELL



3D printing the walls using local earth


The community building at Hope Village in Tanzania showcases sustainable innovation via new construction methods. HASSELL’s ambition is to incorporate 3D-printed earth into the design for its numerous environmental benefits, from the use of site-based materials and reduction in energy production to its recycling and afterlife qualities, developed in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC). The architects plan on 3D printing the walls out of local earth. This process was tested earlier this year in a series of full-scale mock-ups at IAAC’s 3dPA Forest Campus in Barcelona, using 3dWasp Crane Technology. Instead of a solid barrier, the walls feature a complex pattern of interwoven layers for increased ventilation and natural light within the building’s interior spaces.

HASSELL hope village tanzania designboom
rendering © IMIGO, courtesy HASSELL



fabric-like roof made from locally sourced timber


The design brief required a large, open, and uninterrupted area with few columns to ensure flexible use by many. HASSELL achieves this by incorporating a central steel beam that serves as the structural spine of the hall, supporting a tensile roof framework spanning the entire community building. Jointly with structural engineers EOC, the studio designed an innovative roof structure made from small locally sourced timber sections. The roof will be formed by connecting short timber pieces to create a fabric-like structure resembling a woven timber blanket draped over the hall’s central steel spine. It will be supported by cladding made of corrugated metal sheets. Inside, a warm and spacious community-focused environment will unfold. 

HASSELL hope village tanzania designboom
rendering © IMIGO, courtesy HASSELL



a multi-purpose space by hassell for vulnerable girls in tanzania


Creating a multi-purpose space was essential, pushing the team to divide the program into several small areas or one large area to increase capacity. Additional internal facilities include a kitchen, bakery, and communal storage. The building, primarily serving as a school hall for gatherings and meals, will be open to all residents on weekends. It will function as a community hub for events, performances, connections, and reflection, becoming a recognizable landmark in Hope Village and the surrounding area. 


While focusing on educating and caring for vulnerable girls, the project emphasizes community involvement from start to finish. HASSELL, One Heart Tanzania, IAAC, and the CHC team will oversee the transport of essential equipment to 3D-print the building’s walls using local earth, creating job opportunities, training, and collaboration. This approach ensures the community’s active participation in constructing this central hub. Sponsorship and donations for Hope Village can be made on the One Heart website. More information is available here.

HASSELL reveals 3D earth printed building design in tanzania's hope village
3D Earth printing testing at IAAC for Community Hall Walls, Hope Village | image courtesy 3dPA

HASSELL reveals 3D earth printed building design in tanzania's hope village
image courtesy HASSELL

HASSELL reveals 3D earth printed building design in tanzania's hope village
image courtesy HASSELL





project info:


name: 3D earth printed building 

location: Hope Village, Tanzania

architects: HASSELL | @hassell_studio

charity: One Heart Tanzania | @one_heart_co

collaborator: Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia 

structural engineering: EOC | @eocengineers

renderings: IMIGO |