glenstone museum unveils the first images of its newest building, designed in collaboration with thomas phifer and specially conceived to house a work by richard serra. the building will mark an addition to the overall collection of austere and minimal pavilions, sited in maryland and all realized by thomas phifer and partners. planned as a 4,000-square-foot concrete building, the addition is commissioned to house a single, large-scale sculpture that is one of the most recent works of the 82-year old artist. for more than fifty years, american artist richard serra has used abstract forms to consider the dynamic between material and the space shared by viewer and artwork. see our previous coverage of the museum’s 2018 opening here.

glenstone museum richard serra
image by the boundary, courtesy of glenstone museum



the glenstone museum will introduce the addition to include the new building, richard serra installation, and connective boardwalk. visitors to the museum will approach the concrete volume by way of a woodland footpath along the eastern side of glenstone’s property. the viewer will following a gently curved trail that extends from the bridge over the greenbriar stream, ultimately entering the building through a single, centered doorway. the boardwalk, structure, and artwork will expand the visitor experience at glenstone, adding opportunities to engage with art and architecture as well as the museum’s verdant landscape surroundings, which is designed by adam greenspan of PWP landscape architecture.

glenstone museum richard serra



glenstone celebrates the work of richard serra with a number of his works currently on view at the museum. these works include to lift (1967), sylvester (2001), white neon belt piece (1967), and contour 290 (2004). stay tuned for updates on the new installation and building, which is expected to complete in spring/summer 2022.

glenstone museum richard serra