the worlds of architecture and art have always overlapped, but rarely as transparently as in this 5-bedroom residence on lake geneva in thonon-les-bains, france. ‘casa 26’ is as much a work of art as it is a home. interiors designed meticulously by artist and owner marc dentand seamlessly blend with the scheme by architects michael widrig and daniel kaufma. the home steps out of many artistic boxes, combining the best of two creative professions to create a project that is both functional as architecture, and beautiful as art.
just like a painting by picasso or van gogh, this sophisticated contemporary masterpiece is being auctioned off. starting on june 5th, you’ll have a chance to contend to be its owner. it has been valued at 5.5 million euro — for the price you get a home, an artistic creation and a lifestyle. bidders have the opportunity to become part of the rich history of thonon-les-bains, france. just next door, louis lumiére made one of the first moving pictures, and various castles are spread across the region.
the house possesses a charm derived from nature that is further embellished by the vision of marc dentand. as a beautiful landscape is rendered by the stroke of a paintbrush, dentand weaves in artistic touches — from sculpture to photography — curating an experience of luxury.
the home overlooks lake geneva, offering breathtaking views of the silver and blue water from a massive living room window. this space has high ceilings clad with wood, and adopts some design features from a boathouse, and others from the villas that flank it. the 9 meter ceilings have a similarity to a cathedral, and forms the shape of a cross. sliding glass doors let pools of natural light into this, and other rooms of the house.
just three materials where used in the design of the home: larch, black steel and concrete, thus creating a consistency and a sort of architectural and artistic theme. this restriction of only three elements also offered architects michael widrig and daniel kaufman a challenge — one that the team readily accepted. they responded with a unique and fascinating plan that inspires subtlety, with the chance discovery of beauty around every corner. each aspect of the home’s construction and design has the intention and poetry of art. the home frames both its own beautiful details next to vistas of nature, and inspiring artworks. the color of the home is at times muted, but at others — like summer — the orange patina of the metal seems exuberant.