foraster arquitectos has completed the rehabilitation of the historic angeles custodios school‘s exterior area in bilbao, spain. following the trail of recent architectural interventions in kindergartens and schools adapted to the jovial, curious and restless spirit of the little ones, the design team has contributed with the joyful color palette in such a densely populated environment as the santutxu district. in a little more than a square kilometer lives 43,000 inhabitants and that creates sometimes a suffocating scenario.

foraster's colorful rehabilitation swaps the standard cement aspects of a school in bilbao
foraster arquitectos has completed the rehabilitation of the angeles custodians school’s exterior area in bilbao



abolishing the usual cement landscape in so many schools, basque based foraster arquitectos has conceived a new covered porch next to the nineteenth century main building. it identifies the new work and the rhythmic sequence of red, brown and blue strips on the facade, as well as its circular structure, following the scheme of a cloister. another peculiarity is its roof, which can be walked and serves as a platform to see football matches from above. the design team has also replaced the hard cement floor from the field with artificial grass, which becomes easy to maintain. the religious community that shares a space with the school has reduced the size of its private garden. they are very happy with the result of the rehabilitation, as well as with the design made of its green space within at a very tight budget.

foraster's colorful rehabilitation swaps the standard cement aspects of a school in bilbao
another peculiarity is its roof, which can be walked and serves as a platform to see football matches from above



taking advantage of the unevenness of the terrain, a new car park for the educational community has been created underneath the stadium and a playground for children to play under cover. this intervention has been designed taken into consideration that in bilbao it rains one in three days per year and it is the space that is left free by the difference in height between the soccer field and the next floor

foraster's colorful rehabilitation swaps the standard cement aspects of a school in bilbao
foraster arquitectos has contributed with the joyful color palette in such a densely populated environment

foraster's colorful rehabilitation swaps the standard cement aspects of a school in bilbao
it identifies the new work and the rhythmic sequence of red, brown and blue strips on the facade

foraster's colorful rehabilitation swaps the standard cement aspects of a school in bilbao
this intervention has been designed taken into consideration that in bilbao it rains one in three days per year

foraster's colorful rehabilitation swaps the standard cement aspects of a school in bilbao
taking advantage of the unevenness of the terrain, a new car park for the educational community has been created

foraster's colorful rehabilitation swaps the standard cement aspects of a school in bilbao
it is the space that is left free by the difference in height between the soccer field and the next floor

foraster's colorful rehabilitation swaps the standard cement aspects of a school in bilbao
the project includes a new covered porch next to the nineteenth century main building

foraster's colorful rehabilitation swaps the standard cement aspects of a school in bilbao
the design team has also replaced the hard cement floor from the field with artificial grass

foraster's colorful rehabilitation swaps the standard cement aspects of a school in bilbao
aerial view of the angeles custodian school and the rehabilitation designed by foraster arquitectos



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: apostolos costarangos | designboom