fahr0213’s glassberg entranceway for figueira da foz festival
all images courtesy of fahr0213




marking the entranceway to a festival located in figueira da foz, portugal, the installation ‘glassberg’ by local designers fahr0213 acts as a point of transition. the event is a fusion between music, art, sport and gastronomy and the design enhances this theme. wanting to expose local assets and interpret key industries of the city, the designers looked to the glass bottle – figueira da foz has one of the most distinguished factories on the national and international scene. constructed from 50.000 glass bottles and 1.332 m2 of honeycomb cardboard, the artwork is conceptually based on the interaction or ‘romance’ between the two structures.


the entranceway consists of a 10 m long gap, which acts as a liminal space before emerging to the site of the festival. two welcoming iceberg-shaped forms serve as a point of reference for visitors, and also as an attractive piece of artwork for the city. at nighttime the materials reflect thousands of small movements generated by the festival goers into the sky through the spire shaped bottles. the ‘glassberg’ installation provides a sensory experience with its repetitive form and horizontal honeycomb card emphasizing the antithesis between the heaviness of each volume, contrasted by the delicate and apparent fragility of the glass bottle.



fahr0213's 50,000 glass bottles entranceway for figueira da foz festival
the two ‘glassbergs’ mark a transition point to the festival, a fusion between music, art, sport and gastronomy




fahr0213's 50,000 glass bottles entranceway for figueira da foz festival
made from 50.000 glass bottles – 40 tons ‘glassberg’ references figueira da foz’s local glass making industry



fahr0213's 50,000 glass bottles entranceway for figueira da foz festival
the installation provides a sensory experience with its repetitive form and horizontal honeycomb card



fahr0213's 50,000 glass bottles entranceway for figueira da foz festival
glassberg detail with light reflecting on the bottles



fahr0213's 50,000 glass bottles entranceway for figueira da foz festival
glassberg detail looking up the facade



fahr0213's 50,000 glass bottles entranceway for figueira da foz festival
the entranceway consists of a 10 m long gap, which serves as a point of reference for festival goers



fahr0213's 50,000 glass bottles entranceway for figueira da foz festival
nighttime view – the artwork is based on the interaction or ‘romance’ between the two structures



fahr0213's 50,000 glass bottles entranceway for figueira da foz festival
LED light installation reflects thousands of small movements into the sky through the spire shaped bottles



fahr0213's 50,000 glass bottles entranceway for figueira da foz festival
LED light installation detail



fahr0213's 50,000 glass bottles entranceway for figueira da foz festival
3D Sketch



project info:


materials: 50.000 glass bottles and 1.332 m2 honeycomb cardboard
sponsors: verallia, gopaca, rebelo – artes gráficas, intelilar
project team: filipa frois almeida, hugo reis, antónio ribeiro, joana sottomayor negrão



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.