the contemporary ‘casa 1404 nl’


Casa 1404 NL is designed by Catalan studio Albert Brito Arquitectura for a site found at the intersection of two distinct urban zones in Badalona, Spain. One side borders a low-density residential area characterized by single-family homes, while the other adjoins a burgeoning district of high-rise apartment buildings. This juxtaposition of housing typologies presented a unique challenge for the architects, who sought to reflect the dynamic urban context of the site in the design of the home. The team aimed to create a flexible and adaptable dwelling that could respond to the evolving needs of its inhabitants. The project also served as an opportunity to explore new approaches to interior-exterior relationships within the confines of the traditional terraced house typology.

albert brito casa 1404images © Andreu Taberner



albert brito’s modular approach for flexible interiors


To achieve flexibility within its Casa 1404 NL, the architects led by Albert Brito employ a repetitive floor plan on all levels. This modular approach allows for a variety of spatial configurations, with rooms easily adaptable to different functions. The central core of the building, housing wet areas and the staircase, is naturally lit through strategically placed voids that also facilitate cross-ventilation. The traditional terraced house often lacks sufficient outdoor space. To address this, Casa 1404 NL introduces interior courtyards that bring natural light into the heart of the dwelling. These intermediate spaces blur the boundaries between indoors and outdoors, enhancing the overall sense of space and well-being. What’s more, large openings in the facade allow the interior to expand outwards during mild weather.

albert brito casa 1404
Casa 1404 NL is a modern interpretation of the traditional terraced house



honest material palette of concrete and timber


The structure of Albert Brito Arquitectura’s Casa 1404 NL is openly expressed, with concrete and wood as the primary materials. Concrete provides the structural framework and defines the spatial envelope, while wood infuses the interior with warmth and character. This honest approach to construction reinforces the building’s integrity and contributes to its overall atmosphere. Casa 1404 NL offers a contemporary interpretation of the traditional terraced house. Through its emphasis on flexibility, spatial interplay, and material honesty, the project is designed as a responds to the challenges and opportunities presented by its urban context in Catalonia.

albert brito casa 1404
the facade’s interplay of solid and void reflects the diverse urban context

albert brito casa 1404
interior courtyards bring natural light into the heart of the dwelling

albert brito arquitectura's catalan 'casa 1404' glows through timber screens
open floor plans allows for a variety of spatial configurations



ground floor plan
ground floor plan
first floor plan
first floor plan

project info:


project title: Casa 1404 NL

architecture: Albert Brito Arquitectura

location: Badalona, Spain

project team: Albert Brito, Paula Poblet, Inma Hervés
structure: Bernuz&Fernandez.
formwork: Megoca
carpentry: Fusteria Muntanya
images: © Andreu Taberner | @andreu.taberner