‘kindergarten’ competition proposal by ARHIS architects located in riga, latvia images courtesy of ARHIS architects
latvian architectural practice ARHIS has submitted a competition proposal for a kindergarten to be located in riga, latvia. classroom spaces wrap around a large park providing children with a constant visual and physical connection to nature. subdivided for different learning and play activities for children of various ages, the green space also connects to the nearby urban park system, allowing it to be opened and closed to maintain safety for children.
site overview
a swimming pool, assembly hall and sports facility are placed along an operable glass facade at the boundary of the exterior courtyard generating views of the vegetation and dynamic environment. the sizes of different classroom volumes are adjusted and personalized to accommodate students of different age levels and enhance the learning process.
outdoor courtyard
play area for children
floor plan / level 0
floor plan / level 1
site analysis diagram
site organization diagram
circulation diagram
project info:
architect: ARHIS project team: andris kronbergs, arnita armane, raimonds saulitis, andis alksnins, kristaps sulcs, evija runce, andris dzenis, linda zala, girts kula, jurgis vizulis, helvijs savickis
designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication.