the work of architect antony gibbon is characterized by its exploratory formal qualities and its reclusive relationship with the natural environment. in his latest work, ‘mobius,’ gibbon investigates the mobius strip, an non-orientable mathematical surface made up of only one side. the architect explores this anomalous surface — with no inherent interior nor exterior — and the spatial consequences of its application as a residential building envelope in concrete.

antony gibbon mobius



antony gibbon makes use of the mathematical form as a circular enclosure with a centralized, open-plan interior. while the concrete surface twists and peels upward, the space is conditioned by floor to ceiling glass doors which lead between the living space and a surrounding, crescent-shaped pool, wrapping between both sides of the house. at the center point of the space is a circular kitchen area directly beneath a sky light of the same diameter. a twisting stair hugs the strip, leading toward a roof terrace which caps the irregular envelope.

antony gibbon mobius antony gibbon mobius antony gibbon mobius antony gibbon mobius antony gibbon mobius