angled all-black residence by asap echoes new york's architectural heritage

angled all-black residence by asap echoes new york's architectural heritage

asap incorporates angular adjustments in New York residence


Black Diamond House by asap/ adam sokol architecture practice is a residence situated on an urban infill site in Buffalo, New York, US. The house draws inspiration from the city’s architectural heritage, including the works of Frank Lloyd Wright and H.H. Richardson, while presenting a model for contemporary urban living. The original volume of the previous house, which burned down, incorporates unique angular adjustments and subtractions to create a flowy space filled with light. These modifications include angling one wall back six degrees to improve daylight access to a neighboring house, subtracting volumes for a parking space, porch, and terrace, and shifting the ridge line off-center to capture the best view of Richardson’s iconic psychiatric center.

angled all-black residence by asap echoes new york's architectural heritage
all images by Alexander SeverinKC Kratt courtesy of asap/ adam sokol architecture practice



play of light adorns Black Diamond House’s interior


The interior by asap/ adam sokol architecture practice serves as a canvas for the journey of the sun, with natural light reflecting the mood of the day on surfaces of polished concrete and birch. This restrained palette of materials, which also includes plywood, plaster, and glass tile, eschews ostentation in favor of simplicity. The ever-changing play of light across the interior surfaces becomes an essential element, creating a dynamic and contemplative atmosphere. The Los Angeles-based firm seeks to integrate the Black Diamond House into the urban context while, respecting the surrounding architectural forms, and ensuring the house blends with the neighborhood’s character. 

angled all-black residence by asap echoes new york's architectural heritage
Black Diamond House by asap is a residence situated on an urban infill site in Buffalo, New York

angled all-black residence by asap echoes new york's architectural heritage
while presenting a model for contemporary living, the house draws from the city’s architectural heritage

angled all-black residence by asap echoes new york's architectural heritage
angular adjustments and subtractions create a flowy space filled with light

angled all-black residence by asap echoes new york's architectural heritage
these modifications include angling one wall back six degrees to improve daylight access

angled all-black residence by asap echoes new york's architectural heritage
this restrained palette of materials includes plywood, plaster, and glass tile

angled all-black residence by asap echoes new york's architectural heritage
the ever-changing play of light across the interior surfaces becomes an essential element

angled all-black residence by asap echoes new york's architectural heritage
the Los Angeles-based firm seeks to integrate the Black Diamond House into the urban context


asap incorporates angular adjustments in Black Diamond House


Black Diamond House respects the surrounding architectural forms
Black Diamond House respects the surrounding architectural forms
shifting the ridge line off-center captures the best view of Richardson’s psychiatric center
shifting the ridge line off-center captures the best view of Richardson’s psychiatric center
subtracting volumes create a parking space
subtracting volumes create a parking space
asap ensures that the house blends with the neighborhood’s character
asap ensures that the house blends with the neighborhood’s character

project info:


name: Black Diamond House
architect: asap/ adam sokol architecture practice | @asap_architecture

lead designer: Adam Sokol, AIA,
design team: Alexandria Barletta, Albert Chao, Paul Dudkowski, Brian Moran, Steven Movalli, Dan Stripp, Ryan Zegarelli
collaborator: Tredo Engineers (structural engineering) 

location: Buffalo, New York, USA 

area: 200 sqm (2100 sqft)
photographer: Alexander Severin | @_as__ap_ , KC Kratt | @kckratt



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: thomai tsimpou | designboom

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