100architects rejuvenate pedestrian bridge in shanghai with bright colors + looped shapes

100architects rejuvenate pedestrian bridge in shanghai with bright colors + looped shapes

100architects has introduced ‘high loop’, an urban intervention proposal for the renovation of puji road pedestrian bridge in shanghai. the iconic bridge was built over the suzhou creek in 1997, connecting the the jing’an and zhabei district. in 2009, it was renovated to allow additional access to small vehicles, such bikes and scooters, improving the urban connectivity. 

100architects transform a pedestrian bridge into an eventful elevated promenade 1

all images courtesy of 100architects



the bridge extends over a kilometer in length as an elevated platform offering striking views from one of the most representative areas of the city. however, it is currently underestimated when compared to other bridges, hiding its uniqueness and amazing potential to become a local urban landmark. therefore, the proposal by 100architects aims to transform the bridge into an eventful elevated park crossing the city, allowing passers-by to experience a unique journey through one of the densest areas of shanghai.

100architects transform a pedestrian bridge into an eventful elevated promenade 2



the grey asphalt gives way to bold and bright colors, turning the bridge into an eye-catching elevated promenade. the design strategy of the ‘high loop’ organizes the different circulations by colors, creating a hierarchy of different rhythms and paces in which the bridge can be transited. while a straight lane in electric lime color defines the fast track for bicycles and motorbikes, a winding path in viscous magenta was purposely introduced to slow down the pedestrian circulation. a contrasting loop that encourages pedestrians to take it slow, enjoy the journey and the privileged views over shanghai’s urban landscape and the suzhou creek.





as a background color, a soothing cyan blue defines the spaces where one can stop & stay, meet with others and socialize. from viewing decks to picnic plazas, lounge areas or mini amphitheaters, it’s in these cyan blue pockets where all the contrasting yellow urban furniture are placed and where social functions unfold. in addition, new greenery planters are introduced, either as decorative elements or as functional separators of the motored track and the pedestrian path.

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besides those functions, some of the cyan blue patches have been purposely left empty in order to leave flexible areas, allowing the occurrence of informal pop-up night markets and other vendors. the new design does not change the current structure, but rather transforms it by only adding a colorful painted scape and functional urban objects on top. in this way, both the circulation system and the functionality of the bridge  are improved. 

100architects transform a pedestrian bridge into an eventful elevated promenade 5


100architects transform a pedestrian bridge into an eventful elevated promenade 6


100architects transform a pedestrian bridge into an eventful elevated promenade 7

100architects transform a pedestrian bridge into an eventful elevated promenade 8

100architects transform a pedestrian bridge into an eventful elevated promenade 9

100architects transform a pedestrian bridge into an eventful elevated promenade 10

100architects transform a pedestrian bridge into an eventful elevated promenade 11

100architects transform a pedestrian bridge into an eventful elevated promenade 12



project info:


name: high loop
architecture office: 100architects 
design team: marcial jesús, javier gonzález, lara broglio, mónica páez, keith gong, cosima jiang, ponyo zhao, elena michelutti, ginger huang
location: puji road bridge, jing’an district, shanghai



designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: myrto katsikopoulou | designboom

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