hassle free litter bin

hassle free litter bin by Sneha Ashok from india

designer's own words:

People like to throw waste from distance into the garbage bin and test their skill. If they miss the throw, they are lazy to bend down and pick up the waste and put it back in the bin. If you miss the throw, kick the waste into the secondary bin underground. Playful act will encourage people to dispose waste into the bin
Road side cleaner can broom waste directly into the underground bin. Even if top bin is full and the garbage has spilled out, the cleaner can broom the waste into the underground bin. The bin can be colored to indicate waste segregation. Bin can be placed on alternate lamppost on footpath (pedestrian area) so that waste disposal can be made easy and people can carry waste with them knowing the next disposal point. Since the bin will be installed on footpath, water clogging near the bin is avoided as it is on a raised platform

Top ring - keeps the dustbin liner in place - Recycled HDPE (High density polyethylene)
Primary Bin - Recycled HDPE (High density polyethylene)
Secondary Bin - galvanised steel
Inner secondary bin - Concrete bin

current scenariohassle free litter binexploded viewhassle free litter binmodified scenariohassle free litter binemptying the bin