wank el moto

wank el moto by rg from india

designer's own words:

MZ has failed to live up to user expectation
A new beginning is required to push the envelope
They are missing the historical racing spirit in their products

User has great respect for the brand
He wants more advanced user experience
He seeks a blend between classic and modern values

The future holds great opportunities for MZ
Technological advances need to be considered
MZ must be able to create its own place in the market.
Must learn to utilize the raw materials and new processes in the best way possible.

To design a Design Research Vehicle to set a new brand DNA
Green materials to be explored
Explore possibility of new co-branding
Highly ergonomic

Side view sketchwank el motoFinal 3d package wank el motoTop view sketchwank el motoFinal 3d modelwank el motoFInal 3d model Front 3/4wank el motoIntegration shot