A surreal twist on the iconic yellow school bus


Playfully reimagining the concept of an iconic yellow school bus, architect Shail Patel takes on artificial intelligence design tool Midjourney to envision a surreal, futuristic urban environment where mobile schools are the norm. The Mutated School Bus series conceptualizes inflated multi-story vehicles that roll the neon-lit streets of the city while engaging their students in lessons on the go. Incorporating elements of art, technology, and innovation, the design of these vibrant vehicles creates a distinct transportation and learning experience that is somewhat both practical and visually striking.

shail patel stacks inflatable volumes for a futuristic school on wheels using AI
all images by Shail Patel



shail patel explores functionality and surreal design with ai


The conceptualization of The Mutated School Bus utilizes an inflated stacked bus structure and architectural design elements within and outside. Continuing his exploration of AI design tools and their potential to generate both practical and playful design solutions, Shail Patel here conjures a dream-like fusion between education, urban, and transportation infrastructure. The architect incorporates the latest algorithms to create striking structures that blend artistic vision and functionality. His Midjourney explorations reveal vivid volumes set starkly against mundane cityscapes, with surreal vertical forms that both echo and enhance the architectural landscape of the city with their dynamic presence.

shail patel stacks inflatable volumes for a futuristic school on wheels using AI
inflated multi-story schools that roll the neon-lit streets of the city

shail patel stacks inflatable volumes for a futuristic school on wheels using AI
Shail Patel playfully reimagines the concept of an iconic yellow school bus

shail patel stacks inflatable volumes for a futuristic school on wheels using AI
the stacked storys are integrated within with all facilities needed for learning

shail patel stacks inflatable volumes for a futuristic school on wheels using AI
the form echoes and enhances the architectural landscape with vibrancy

shail patel stacks inflatable volumes for a futuristic school on wheels using AI
a surreal, futuristic urban environment where mobile schools are the norm

shail patel stacks inflatable volumes for a futuristic school on wheels using AI
a dream-like fusion between education, urban, and transportation infrastructure

shail patel stacks inflatable volumes for a futuristic school on wheels using AI
The Mutated School Bus series utilizes architectural design elements within and outside

shail patel stacks inflatable volumes for a futuristic school on wheels using AI


project info:


name: The Mutated School Bus
designer: Shail Patel


designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: ravail khan | designboom