serie architects aarvli resort in goa india by serie from india
designer's own words:
positioned on top of a steep cliff, this fort-like structure is capped with a rooftop landscape overlooking the arabian sea to the west and
mochemad khadi estuary to the north. the curvilinear enclosure follows the topography of the site while exploiting views to the hilly
landscape through circular courtyards which penetrate the exterior walls. a curved circulation spine delineates a progression through
private spaces and public areas open to the sky with circular openings, welcoming daylight into the building and upon pools of water.staggered positioning of undulating roof planes produces shading for lower rooftops. helping to merge the structure into the surrounding scenery,
the grasses planted on their surfaces reduce solar gain, insulates from internal heat loss. construction is projected for completion in 2013.
serie architects: aarvli resort in goa, india entrycourtyardinteriormodelmodel