‘atomic clear tube lighting’ by em and es



modules in 40, 65 and 90 cm lengths can work independently as single lamps or can be joined in a variety of horizontal and vertical configurations and can create many interesting and diverse constructions. they can be positioned on the ceiling,along the walls and floors, they can illuminate stairways or corridors. fittings can be coated in any RAL color.


developed by polish design group em and es, the ‘atomic clear tubing’ system, due to its flexibility encourages change and experimentation through different configuration possibilities . its other major advantage is that it also eliminates one of the most irritating problems associated with traditional light fixtures, those being cables and wires.



atomic clear tube lighting by em and es atomic duo horizontal



atomic clear tube lighting by em and es atomic duo vertical



atomic clear tube lighting by em and es duo vertical



atomic clear tube lighting by em and es atomic mono horizontal



atomic clear tube lighting by em and es mono horizontal



atomic clear tube lighting by em and es two lighting programs used, with white light directed at the surface, while the color light brightens the space above.



atomic clear tube lighting by em and es atomic installation



atomic clear tube lighting by em and es atomic installation



atomic clear tube lighting by em and es atomic installation



atomic clear tube lighting by em and es atomic installation



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