
movesmart by Alexander Caspi from israel

designer's own words:

Now as also in the near future the number of people will increase. This trend, we can feel by driving along the main road of any big city in the world - "traffic jams". That is why in recent years, making a lot of efforts to develop public transport. But this is not a lattice problem completely, because public transport is not able to deliver each individual to its final destination. Therefore, a person has to overcome is the distance from the stop to the destination by foot, a phenomenon called the - "last mile". This is why, the best suited is electric scooter.

I believe that one of the problems for low popularity for scooters in the market, this a no dexterity users feeling. Because most of people think that they look awkward in the eyes of others at the while riding on scooter.So for me it was important to focus on how the user will look when his using the object ? As well as how the object will look like when it is complicated and not used ?

- Rear wheel - "hub wheel" (wheel with motor inside).
- Object consists in two, telescopic handlebars part for fit to a different growth.
- Dock in the handlebars to connect your mobile phone. With a dedicated application, it can display all the necessary information: speedometer, battery, GPS and recharge your phone.
- Able easily to answer for calls while driving. A special speaker by Audio Spotlight technology, allows you to focus and transmit sound (calls) directly to the face.
- Hole in the bottom for easy transfer the object.

Aluminum and plastic.

Start movesmart Side veiw movesmart Telescopic axle movesmart Phone dock movesmart Closed position movesmart Mock up, sketches, sizes.