lexus lf air

lexus lf air by Meng-Huan from taiwan

designer's own words:

Motion is an adventure, enjoy the changing of people, time, and location. Motion is also an attitude of perfection, to get a best life ever.

LF- AIR is a vessel combined with sailing and hot airballooning, which makes everyone a great explorer. When the vessel takes off, life will be expanded as the sight getting greater seen while taking off.LF- AIR has a simple shape, nothing is extra. To fit the gen of Lexus, it's designed with clean lines, light-weight but stiff, and innovative.LF- AIR is using solar power to heat the air inside the balloon. Reflectors inside the balloon can reflect sunshine to heat up the air in the balloon.The balloon is made from PV material, it keeps the heat inside. When the air totally heated , the vessel can take off. Later, descending by exhausting.When the balloon is fully discharged, the balloon will become a sail supporting by the inner structure to sail on the sea, rivers, or lakes. The airflow on sailing can fill up the balloon for next flying. The recycling energy makes it green.there is a propeller and a rudder under the body, which can be used for going in the air or on the water.

LF- AIR provides a new way of recreation and moving; it's not fast, but travelling in the air or on the water elegantly, and allow people be able to see the stunning scenery. It helps people to discover the changing of people, Time, location, and motion. Motion is an adventure, and also an achievement.

\’\’Dare to pursue the new horizon exactly adventurer.\’\’ lexus lf air Motion is an adventure, enjoy the changing of people, time, and location. Motion is also an attitude of perfection, to get a best life ever. LF-AIR is a vessel combined with sailing and hot airballooning, which makes everyone a great explorer. When the vessel takes off, life will be expanded as the sight getting greater seen while taking off. lexus lf air Motion is the adventure.Simplicity is power. lexus lf air LF-AIR has a simple shape, nothing is extra. To fit the gen of Lexus, it\’s designed with clean lines, light-weight but stiff, and innovative. lexus lf air LF-AIR provides a new way of recreation and moving; it\’s not fast, but travelling in the air or on the water elegantly, and allow people be able to see the stunning scenery. It helps people to discover the changing of people, Time, location, and motion. Motion is an adventure, and also an achievement. lexus lf air LF-AIR is using solar power to heat the air inside the balloon. Reflectors inside the balloon can reflect sunshine to heat up the air in the balloon. The balloon is made from PV material, it keeps the heat inside. When the air totally heated , the vessel can take off. Later, descending by exhausting.