nino amigo

nino amigo by Designamigo from korea

designer's own words:

A stroller is used from 2 months to 3 years old. The purpose of the stroller is obviously to carry a baby easily.
However, after a certain point when baby grew up and can walk by himself, the stroller is useless. Therefore, it has a limit for its usage.
If the stroller is not used but brand new, the use time is too short.
It is very hard to because of the expensive costs, but have to give the stroller away to other people who need it.
The stroller is usually used from 2 months old to 3 years old kids.
When kids are grown enough, even well maintained stroller cannot be used. It needs to be either thrown away or given away. Also, the cost of stroller is very expensive.
The speed of learning and development differs from each child.
Niño amigo helps them to grow-up with right path. Niño amigo can be used since infant. It helps parents and a child to look face to face.
The period when it is important for kids to eye contact with their parents, the stroller can be manipulated to be that way.
When the child grows up and need to see the outside, the direction of stroller can be changed.
Thus, kids can grow, develop and experience with Niño amigo.
During early childhood, kids develop very quickly as they recognize the environment by five senses. Infants show an unconditioned reflex at first, but as they develop, they are able to make a movement that they wanted to make.
The capacity for exercise develops from gross-motor to delicate fine-motor. The motor skill during early childhood develops from reflexive motion to basic movement. During the development, 'bike' helps to develop the general motor skill.
The product can be transformed from the stroller for the infants to the tricycle for the early childhood. By transformation, the limit that usual stroller had would not be any longer exist. Also, since the bike is one of the products that young kids need, the transformation from a stroller to a bike is the most appropriate product out of any others. Thus, ‘Niño Amigo’ is designed to be used before and after the child can walk by himself. Niño Amigo would grow with your child. Niño Amigo starts with stroller and becomes a tricycle after the kid is able to walk. Toy car or bike is one of the important product that helps kids to grow. With the Niño Amigo, kids can experience the environment, and step towards the world in early childhood.

How to use

1. It can be unlocked by turning the dial that is located between the side frames. It enables a user to control the height of the seat.
2. The main frame is adjusted at the appropriate height of the seat.
3. Adjust the handle.
4. Dislocate the pedals on the main frame, and then put them on the center of the front wheel.
5. enjoy it

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