concept of moving images from a moving train

concept of moving images from a moving train by Kuang Jian from taiwan

designer's own words:

Moving images, is the rapid display of a sequence of images to create an illusion of movement.
Joseph Plateau was the first person to demonstrate the illusion of a moving image. To do this he used counter rotating disks with repeating drawn images in small increments of motion on one and regularly spaced slits in the other. He called this device the phenakistoscope.

Referring to the theory of moving images, we're thinking to transform it into a new way to do advertising.
First, we made a sequence of images, which shows a running horse in 12 frames. Then print it on a high speed moving train. When the train reach a certain speed, we can see a animation of the running horse from the train.

Actual Artwork in the video [jwplayer config=”mplayer” width=”818px” height=”600px” file=”″] video