italian designer and architect andrea branzi was invited by the french porcelain manufacturer sèvres to create ‘louis XXI, porcelaine humaine’, a collection of cups, chalices and bowls. the eight delicate objects in soft paste porcelain and subtle flesh-coloured tints, with their light, undulating curves, make up the three families of shapes that are completed by three matching candle-holders. the collection is co-curated with mouvements modernes. here is a sneak preview of branzi’s ‘louis XXI, porcelaine humaine’ collection that will be displayed at boutique van cleef and arpels during milan design week, 2010.

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres
‘louisXXI, porcelaine humaine’ collection



‘resembling lilies, the flutes in the louis XXI collection are of the same velvety flesh colour of the ladies of the court. they are as fragile and precious as the ears of madame de pompadour. louis XXI was a sovereign who survived the french revolution thanks to a disguise. today, he offers us from the past the erotic material of these human porcelains, at the crossroads of genetics and design. these flutes, in the form of an erotic orifice, offer a new pleasure that only the sèvres manufactory could realise. to our senses, porcelains have always remained a mystery. they prove that all of technology originates in poetry and literature,and that beauty of a new type can be born from the fire.’ – andrea branzi

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres
the molds

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres
working on the porcelain maquette

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres
working on the model

andrea branzi creates 'louis XXI, porcelaine humaine' for sevres
model parts which are shaped before being connected to form a cup, chalice or bowl