calm kayak by Zamani from iran
designer's own words:
Calm Kayak is not designed to be used for extreme sports and maneuvering inside wild rivers. Its main purpose is to be comfortably floating on a calm river, lake or a city canal. The need of spending time alone and reflecting our own thoughts while moving slowly in a calm water is the reason for this work.
This boat is designed to be used in any season thanks to its cocoon like main body and its water and cold resistant top cover. Its light weight fiber carbon plus fiber glass body will let users of all ages with minimum knowledge of boating maneuver it around with ease.
The shape of Calm Kayak is inspired by Asian flat boats and traditional Kayaks. A subtle hint of Lexus Spindle Grille is visible in the front nose of the boat which by stretching toward the sides creates the overall main form of the boat.
The traditional Japanese umbrella has been used for protecting the head and body against weather. It also represents privacy and comfort in an elegant simple shape that complete the form of the boat. The umbrella is removable and usable in daily condition.
All the compartments including the umbrella and paddles can be stored inside the boat.
form and shape