LATERAL INHIBITION by ferdi alici from turkey

designer's own words:

LATERAL INHIBITION from Ouchhh on Vimeo.

3D Video Mapping Performance,
Mücsarnok Contemporary Art Museum,
Hereos Square, BUDAPEST
Project Management: Dilan Regal, Ferdi Alıcı
Creative Director: Ferdi Alıcı
Animators and Designers: Bahadır Dagdelen, Çaglar Özen,
Emre Önol, Ferdi Alıcı, H. Kerem Köse, Yusuf Emre Kucur
Sound Designer: Selçuk Can Güven
Documentation: Dilan Regal, Ferdi Alıcı
Lateral Inhibition:
In neurobiology, Lateral Inhibition is the capacity of an excited neuron to reduce
the activity of its neighbors. Lateral inhibition sharpens the spatial
profile of excitation in response to a localized stimulus.
Lateral Inhibition is inspired by György Kepes' light art.
He was a strong proponent for unifying art, science and technology with respect to visual patterns.
His interest in the visual representation of motion and the technological potential
to depict the visible world,in particular the effects of light fascinate us.
The light art in Kepes' work is a good example to show how the optoelectronic revolution has made
the light a real and unique artistic medium in recent decades.
His artistic, visionary thinking spanned and at times dominated much of the spirit and intellect of the
integrative arts for over two-thirds of the 20th century. His suggestions and projections
remain alive and forceful at the onset of the new millennium.
Our inspiration comes from the idea to represent that intersection of art, science and technology
in a place that mediates contemporary visual art like Mucsarnok.

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