'CHOCOLATE' shop and bar

'CHOCOLATE' shop and bar by bogna polanska from poland

designer's own words:

chocolate bar is situated in a baroque tenement house and entered through a vestibule. due to limited area of the venue, i.e. approx. 30m², it was impossible to place a bar, a shop and a kitchen on the same level. however, thanks to a high ceiling of the bar a mezzanine was built and thus, the space was enlarged. a counter, a kitchen, toilets and utility rooms were placed in a square of chocolate and a private space with tables was placed above them. customer space is brightly coloured whereas service part reflects the ”dark chocolate.” ”chocolate” melting on the walls is the only embellishment of the room and ”milk drops” dripping from the ceiling are actually lamps.

liquid chcolate and milk drops

02.bar_818.jpg bar

03.mezzanino_818.jpg mezzanino

04.stairs_818.jpg stairs