niwatori & kitsune by kobiri design house from japan
designer's own words:
niwatori & kitsune
niwatori & kitsune (chicken & fox) is inspired by the "roosters" painting by jakuchu ito and is trying to revive this original work in a contemporary way.
the chickens are laid out on a geometric diagonal pattern in order to bring some order into the illustration. the diagonal lines bring a movement to the chickens and even each one of them has its own individual characteristic the pattern effect gives a sense of unity to this group.
based on the work of jakuchu ito by mixing traditional with modern techniques our approach was to transform this illustration into a modern way of mixing hand brushed ink with the computer. sharp lines resemble the typical jumpy chicken movement, overlapping bodies give an illusion of depth into this rather flat and stylized illustration. it could also be the "quiet before the storm" as the fox is not yet detected by the chickens.
in europe, the fox is associated as an enemy of the chicken and this is why we depict him hiding in the buzz of the chicken and quietly waiting.
however, our take on this situation is meant to be humorous and based on the many stories about a fox and chickens from europe.
our aim with this illustration is to create our own interpretation of jakuchu's original and twist it up with out style.
the illustration is thought to be presented in a large scale and the idea is to be put it on four "fusuma" (japanese sliding doors).
it still shows a quietness and while all the chicken run around it does not take over the whole space.
part of the concept for this illustration also is to blend in to a modern interior and reach a wide range of people and purposes.
the illustration hopes to be a modern approach inspired by jakuchu's creation.
the illustration would fit in a "nihon-ma" (japanese-style room) but would just as well suit as a wallpaper in a cafe or as a partition door in, for example, a restaurant. it would fit into both, the japanese culture from where its inspiration comes and also into a western environment.
we hope to awake the imagination in the observer.
here are 303 chicken and roosters, 12 chicks, a mouse and a fox to be discovered and to tell a story.
more then anything this illustration should be playful and open to everyone to create their own tale.
"鶏 & 狐" (niwatori & kitsune)
"鶏 & 狐"は、伊藤若冲の作品、動物綵絵"群鶏図"からインスピレーションを受けたリバイバル現代風のイラストの作品です。幾何学の線を元に一羽一羽個性の違う鶏の表情を描写しながら、全体の統一感を出すために
伊藤若冲の"群鶏図"にツイストを入れた私達オリジナルの"群鶏図"を目指し、鶏たちとその仲間達が駆け回ったり, 歩いたりする様子を表現しながらも、
ここには、303羽の鶏と12羽のひよこ、1匹のねずみと狐がいます。私達は何よりも観るだけの絵だけではなく、そこに遊びもある作品であることを目指しました。この作品をを眺めながら、"鶏 & 狐"とその仲間たちを探し出しながら楽しんでもらうことも私達の願いです。
whole illustration
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right side zoom
impression in a room