The perfect Line is a Curve

The perfect Line is a Curve by nirmal kulkarni from india

designer's own words:

Basic concept idea is to celebrate "The perfect line is a curve" metaphor.

The following is planned as an installation which can be placed in any of the showrooms, comfortably at a life-size scale.

1) Take any of the Infiniti Curvy cars (all Infinity cars celebrate curves, however we select the especially curvy ones). Every showroom could have a different model to glorify. The Infiniti Emerg-E or the Infiiti Essence is most recommended for this exercise.
2) Make it devoid of all mechanism, wheels, interiors, wind-shields, etc. and leave only the metal skin. So now we have a surface which is contiguous in its curvy form, convex from the outside and concave on the inside. This concave part is rarely ever seen by public and therefore never experienced. The inner form is exactly the reverse of the outer form, but ordinarily it cannot be left as it is, since a lot of structure needs to be added to support efficient movement. Here we would like to remove all those structural parts & glorify this inner curvy form as well.
4) Paint the body in a flat white paint (no shine). Tilt this car body at an angle of 30 deg to the floor. Place it on a platform revolving at a slow constant speed. The support mechanism for this would be minimal to give a floating effect. All other elements like revolving base, ceiling, support mechanism etc. to be painted flat black.
5) To explore the "curved planes" of the Infinity car shell, we focus two fixed Gobo projectors - one from the top (ceiling) and one from the bottom (just outside the revolving platform) - video-streaming beams of colored lines in a random fashion, on to the car body. Lines would be in different colors, thicknesses, angles & at varied spacing.
6) The revolving of the car will make the beams of light appear as if they move across the car body, sensuously caressing every curved surface . These beams of light are straight, and when they touch the body of the car, will appear as curved lines, thereby celebrating the metaphor "the perfect line is a curve". More importantly this translates in a range of emotions one would feel when at the helm of the infiniti car.
7) The most dramatic effect, almost mesmerizing, can be achieved in complete absence of ambient light (as shown in the video clip attached) wherein, as the beams of light traverse the surface, it reveals a different curve, highlighting the hidden aspects, bringing to surface the everchangingness of our own nature. These lines curve & oscillate & straighten out etc. assuring that one would never see the same curve again. This evokes the hitherto unknown feelings which emerge from deep within. Try meditating on the video with focused eyes for a length of time, until the "curved" lines entice exiting "visions".
This effect can also be achieved in ambient light, however is especially heightened in its absence. There could be two scenarios, one for ambient daylight and one for specially theatrical conditions.

Further possible enhancements:

1) Music will have be added to the video, could be the same as in the Infiniti advertisements.
2) Could be also converted into a video format wherein one can change the colors by means of a control program to bring about some playfulness and an interactive quality.
3) One can introduce many creative challenges by changing the locations of the projectors, their angles, the intensities, etc. There is a whole spectrum of possibilities and design variations one could achieve and develop upon. This could also be used in "experiential cinema".
4) Parts of these videos can be later used in advertisements for effect.
So, in conclusion, this can be taken as a beginning to a wonderful journey through creativity, unleashing exiting and fascinating panoramic visions, with Infiniti as the vehicle.

Introduction & concept idea

copy_19_02.gif step-1 and step-2 of the process

copy_17_03.gif step-3 and step-4 of the process

copy_2_04.gif step-5 and step-6 of the process