Embrace the Perfect Curve by civic lee from usa
designer's own words:
in this project, we aim to create an unique all-senses-experiences. take infiniti audience to the next level of infiniti visions. it involves digital artwork, 360° video and physical installation with infiniti car, together with live performances.
the infiniti car will be presented on a turntable stage with a 360° video wall surrounding it, animated video backdrop that accompanies the theme with be projected on the video wall, which creates rich environments and multiple angles to the car. the journey of our main lady reveals through the use of 3D projection mapping on the car itself, creates the illusion of seeing a real person inside the car. we see her driving her beloved car, looks at maps, travels and explores the nature; she drives through the heavy traffic in the city, putting make-up at red lights, reaching to the back seats for the important documents; her boyfriend drives her car and parks for an outdoor movie, the laughter and the kiss; the newlyweds jump onto their car, the wedding car, and drive off to their honeymoon, amazed by the stars in the nightly sky.
at the end, under the beautiful cosmos, the car door open, a pregnant figure(real or digital, depends on feasibility at location) walk out and stand next to the infiniti car. as the closing of the experiences. the perfect curves is in front of every audience.
Nature is Curved
Life is Curved
Love is Curved
Creation is Curved
Embrace the Perfect Curve, give birth to the INFINITI Life