a curving world

a curving world by moses journey lightbeast from usa

designer's own words:

driving at speed brings the experience of wind and power to the fore, enveloping the driver in an otherworldly blend of space and time. to capture that sense of transformation, we will erect three hanging scrims and a standing rear wall. onto the scrims will be projected four animated layers: on the foremost layer will be projected the undulations of the foreground, whipping past us; on the second layer will be projected the curving lines of wind smoothly sliding around the form of the car; on the third and last scrim will be projected the minimal essence of an infiniti sports car, the only motion being the relentless pounding of its cylinders; finally on the wall will be projected curving landscape receding into the distance. the projections are animated to start moving slowly, then pick up speed, details blending into long, slow curves, then back to a slow motion, in a never-ending loop. the two front scrims are completely blank and mostly transparent, while on the scrim positioned in front of the wall will be a life-size decal of a white, opaque silhouette of the car. the rear wall will also be white, and all lights will be extinguished to allow the best possible effect. four short-throw projectors will project the animations at an extreme angle upon the projection surfaces, and any image spill above the installation will be blocked by a black curtain hung in a circle from the ceiling. minimal sound design – the sound of the engine and the wind increasing and decreasing with the animations' speed – will accompany the imagery. the natural slight opacity of the scrims cause a layered foggy effect, abstracting the successive layers of animation, but the viewer, by changing position around the installation, can alter his perception.

composite image of installation seen from the front

copy_0_diagram_02.jpg diagram of installation setup