Volkswagen Optism

Volkswagen Optism by sangwoo lee from germany

designer's own words:

The Combination the emotional art and design is the interesting key of 21C design. The first idea was the trying to application the philosophy of artist to Car design and finding a new design vision through art history.
He thought that the multiple dimensional sculpture could be new step of car aesthetic, like the sculpture of the 20th Century Modern Art was developed from 2D,3D sculpture(cubism) to 4D sculpture(futurism, kinetic art).
The inspiration is from Op-Art(Optical Art), which is a style of art that makes use of visual kinetics through optical illusion. In the case of the Volkswagen Optism, depending of your perspective, you can feel the changing of surface character through visual illusion. It makes a more active interaction between object and audience and this is a kind of new meaning of sculpture. These interesting features you can find not only in the main architecture but also in the details interior, seat, wheel and logos. So if you see turn around or if the car is moving, you can experience the visual kinetic and feel the vital surface effect.
The car has logical directions lines and simple basic form and proportion in order to build not complicate sculpture and to let be pure design theme. It is based on Volkswagen form language.
The intelligent light architecture makes variable car proportion to fit into driving situations.
By using of variable interior architecture, interior space makes up the optimal seat position optimizing driving mode.

About Designer
Sangwoo Lee is korean design student who has finished industrial design Course at HBK Braunschweig University of Art in Germany. This thesis project developed at Volkswagen design center interior department in Wolfsburg and graduated with Diplom degree. Supervisors were Prof. Erich Kruse and Volkswagen Interior Designer Leonard Natterer.

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scale model

copy_851_02.jpg presentation at HBK Braunschweig

copy_734_03.jpg details

copy_134_04.jpg interior

copy_103_05.jpg idea development

copy_76_06.jpg final sketch