amazon has launched WorkingWell, a program that provides its employees with physical and mental activities that aim to make them happier, healthier and safer. following its mission of becoming earth’s safest place to work, the company has invested over USD $300 million into safety projects in 2021. the initiative will help prevent injuries, provide wellness services and offer quality healthcare for its employees.
developed in collaboration with its employees, amazon’sWorkingWell project employs comprehensive and critical health and wellness services. included are the wellness centers where first aid-trained medical representatives and athlete trainers deliver onsite safety. the EatWell initiative supports overall nutrition health and the neighborhood health centers provide affordable healthcare centers within 10 miles of where they work and live.
‘amazon has identified some innovative technologies and approaches to address employee well-being and the implementation of training and wellness programs in their facilities,’ said jennifer mcnelly, american society of safety professionals (ASSP) CEO. ‘the occupational safety and health community thrives on sharing innovations, best practices and lessons learned. we look forward to amazon continuing to share ideas and information about these new methods and approaches to improve workplace safety in the united states and globally.’
technology plays a center role in the WorkingWell program, connecting employees both in buildings and at home. at their workstations, employees go through hourly mind and body movements that have been scientifically proven to help them recharge and reenergize. the connect & comment kiosks collect employee feedback while featuring information on the wellness centers and other health initiatives. an app will provide at-home access to all of the onsite safety, health and wellness offerings at amazon.
‘amazon takes our safety very seriously, and my managers have made it clear to me it’s more important than anything, even productivity and quality,’ said jeffrey ku, operations employee at an amazon fulfillment center in aurora, CO. ‘WorkingWell is an extension of that—it makes sure we’re taking care of our minds and bodies. it encourages us to make positive changes to how we work, and since I started watching the program’s health and safety videos, I’ve incorporated a stretching routine into my day.’