UPDATE 04/05/2022: After months of uncertainties, the Nakagin Capsule Tower will be demolished on April 12, 2022. Regardless of the worldwide petitions claiming its preservation, the building will definitely come down. The good news is that some of the capsules will be preserved and regenerated (read more on designboom here) to become second houses and hobby-style dwellings. They will also be showcased in museum installations around the world.
Designed in 1972 by architect Kisho Kurokawa, the Nakagin Capsule Tower stands as an emblematic example of metabolism architecture right in the heart of Tokyo, up until today. However, that could change very soon, as reports reveal that the new tower owner intends to proceed with a large-scale redevelopment, with the entire building facing demolition. Although no official announcement has been issued, the tower’s demise has been discussed intensely during the last years, due to the structure’s unsafe condition and its incompatibility with current seismic standards.
image by sava bobov
Kisho Kurokawa formed the Nakagin Tower as an asymmetrical arrangement of concrete pods — a bold, dynamic structure that grows organically and adapts to its urban surroundings. Although the architect intended for the tiny capsules to be replaced every 25 years, the two-tower structure remains unaltered till now, 49 years after its completion. In addition, with preservation initiatives failing to take solid actions against the building’s aging, and non-existent maintenance leading to damaged water pipes, the iconic tower seems derelict.
Image by Juan Verdaguer Aguerrebehere
Tokyo Reporter has recently shared the latest details regarding the tower, stating that ‘the management association for the tower has decided to sell it. The move clouds the future of the structure, which could be headed for demolition.’ according to the news outlet, ‘A preservation push has been ongoing. But the management association for the building, which consists of capsule owners, voted to sell the building to the landowner earlier this year.’ Despite the building’s global acclaim and its undisputed significance in modern architecture history, the fate of the famous metabolism emblem seems uncertain.
Image by Raphael Koh
Image by Denys Nevozhai
Image by Denys Nevozhai
Project Info:
Name: Nakagin Capsule Tower
Architect: Kisho Kurokawa
Original Completion: 1972
Location: Ginza, Tokyo, Japan