POSITE, NEGATIVE by play (by the push project) from portugal
designer's own words:
our project is based on the principle ideia of positive and negative, of white and black, just like in a moleskine notebook. as architects we see a moleskine as a real space where we can create ideas and moleskinerie as a digital one where we can share them.
One needs the other…
the logo uses the strong points within the design of the product:
-where everyone sees regular round corners, we see moleskines notebooks.
-where everyone sees a simple elastic strip, we feel safeness for our creations…
each letter from the moleskinerie lettering uses an invisible notebook background to reshape every top right and bottom right corners, while the left ones stay perpendicular, just like in a moleskine notebook.
Using the tools of positive and negative, the strip is subtracted to each letter on the vertical right side of the notebook, just like in a moleskine.
our moleskinerie logo becomes itself a library of moleskine notebooks.
since we have a long word (moleskinerie) every letter is a character within the story, and in each one we can see and feel the moleskine differently…
altogether we envision the ideals of the brand.
Positive-Negative (black BG, white TXT)
Positive-Negative (white BG, black TXT)