AND NOW IT'S YOUR TIME by giorgio mazzola from italy

designer's own words:

the new moleskinerie logo follow the basic moleskine rules, easy to recognize. the color, black and yellow bring the mind to moleskine world and focus the attention of the reader on the addition moleskine"rie", of the blog name. the handwriting font in -legends and stories- is the connection between paper and screen, pen and keyboard. moleskinerie is in "harvard" regular font. lengends and stories is in "handwriting - dakota" regular font. color are black r0;g0;b0 and yellow r239;g227;b59.
the last e of molekine become the elastic of a 9x14cm moleskine, that give the proportion of the image.
the icon follow the same rules in all, don't loose the legibility and the identity of the brand in any size.
the video is a short commercial for the brand stop motion and video, the hands with the moleskine head for the table with the computer. him stories from paper to the net, it's now the time for the others to read and share.


logo_color_negative.jpg LOGO COLOR NEGATIVE

logo_b_e_w_positive.jpg LOGO BLACK AND WHITE

logo_b_e_w_negative.jpg LOGO BLACK AND WHITE NEGATIVE