message in the moleskinerie

message in the moleskinerie by tibor orban from romania

designer's own words:

the logo is based on two notebooks in landscape positions, with black and colored covers, one above the other. the title is separated in two words: "mole" and "skinerie" with a horizontal line, which represents the rubber band, for keeping closed the notebook. the visible part of the bottom notebook with a small triangle, is the symbol of a chatting bubble, which represents communication and dialogue. the moleskinerie blog is a place for communcating the brans's values to it's audience.

Logo presentation

moleskinerie_logo_1b.jpg Logo in two colors

moleskinerie_logo_1c.jpg Logo placed on a photo

moleskinerie_logo_1d.jpg Logo in one color

moleskinerie_logo_1e.jpg Logo in white

moleskinerie_logo_1f.jpg Graphic layout using the logo’s shape