paper & ink

paper & ink by fernando ortuño from spain

designer's own words:

the project is following the idea of ​​how the union of the ink and paper have involved the transmission of knowledge between people, and like today, in the midst of technological revolution, remains part of our lives, and that relationship as direct and personal than the act of writing or drawing on paper gives us.

the work process has been to sketch the main idea in the proportions and form, playing with fonts and images that characterizes the moleskine notebooks, integrating their proportion in the design and so distinctive and characteristic element as his band elastica, generating a two-dimensional image that to unite with the main concept of the project refers to the bond between ink and paper, acquires its third dimension shown as a thick liquid on its surface bright bluish with that which characterizes it.

the idea is that the logo can function in the way spot and volumetric form, as well as recorded for different materials.

also incorporate two ideas of artwork that try to reflect the philosophy of the project, both in his idea of using material of the ink and paper, as in the union that the use of writing and drawing occurs between different cultures.


moleskineriespot.jpg moleskinerie-spot

blackinkdroplet.jpg black-ink-droplet

blueblackinkdroplet.jpg blue-black-ink-droplet

westernartwork.jpg western-artwork

orientalartwork.jpg oriental-artwork