new moleskinerie logo: open and close by SoPArC

new moleskinerie logo: open and close by SoPArC by jaeman park from korea

designer's own words:

rounded corners of hardcover and paper, strips, and lines. they are important for outer beauty of moleskine notebooks. so they should be also used for the logo design.
however, inner beauty of moleskine is made by people using it. when i open and close my notebook, i discover 'm' and 'e', me. the two letters(and one word) are motifs of new logo design for moleskinerie, where many stories of 'me' continue.
finally, inner and outer beauty meet together in our design.

main: 2 colors

copy_0_moleskinerie_soparc_1_monochrome.jpg main: monochrome

copy_0_moleskinerie_soparc_2_solid.jpg main: no strips

copy_0_moleskinerie_soparc_3_alternative.jpg alternative of K and R: 2 colors

copy_0_moleskinerie_soparc_4_alternative_monochrome.jpg alternative of K and R: monochrome

copy_0_moleskinerie_soparc_5_me.jpg symbol: ME