Gonca Ceylan Moleskinerie Logo Competition by gonca ceylan from italy
designer's own words:
i’ve tried to use the same font with moleskine® to protect the fundamental characteristic of the company. but because of the reason that it will be used for a blog, i thought it should be more energetic, therefore i decided to add colors. when I was checking the moleskine® website i saw very bright colors and decided to work with them because it would give the “refreshing” feeling. then when i was checking the moleskinerie.com and i’ve noticed that it was mainly using black and yellow combination and started working with that. i also wanted the logo to symbolise the notebooks but also to be simple so that it could be used very easily. when I continued my research i saw the notebook illustration and it gave me an idea. i’ve used the font of moleskine®, the yellow from the illustration, and I left the “i” in the “rie” in black to symbolize the band of the notebook. the result is the main logo. additional version 1 and additional version 2 are different versions which can be used in different sections of the blog.
Moleskinerie Logo
Additional Version1
Additional Version2