Handwriting Logo

Handwriting Logo by leonardo pais from portugal

designer's own words:

Creativity and hard work are virtues of all humanity greatest creators and the majority of them used moleskin as a way of letting their thoughts flow shaped by ink on paper.
Several generations of great mind used this support in order to arrange their thoughts and this is the key concept of my project.
How to reveal that all of them had their problems solved by using moleskin?
The answer lies on simple solution. I don´t know if the answer came out of using the magical artifact named moleskin, or no, but what proved most revealing was the hand writing and this same handwriting that will shape the logo, by gathering various calligraphy types from various great-minds and combine them into unique and shape shifter and in-temporal logo.

Final Logo

moleskinconcept2.jpg Concept

moleskinconcept3.jpg B&W test

moleskinconcept4.jpg Diagram