Happy Mole wishes its claws could hold a pencil

Happy Mole wishes its claws could hold a pencil by eddy soto from usa

designer's own words:

the icon is essentially a friendly mole that seems to be popping out of nowhere. it is meant to symbolize a creative nugget that is buried in obscurity. i decided on making it look rough and sketchy because personally moleskin tablets represent the "stream of consciousness" approach to art and design, making quick, rough, and sometimes imperfect ideas, that need to be jotted down to refine later. the mole's eyes are invisible to further expand on the idea that you need not feel intimidated by a blank page, but rather feel free to sketch blindly if you want.

black mark on white BG

copy_0_happymoleblack.jpg white mark on black BG

copy_0_happymolebook.jpg mark on black book