Moleskinerie logo

Moleskinerie logo by lana cosic from croatia

designer's own words:

working on a new logo for moleskinerie, i kept in mind the basic leitmotif of their philosophy, which is the sentence: "moleskine product is made of the thoughts and fellings of its owner...the focus of affection, to be kept and treasured."

in logo1 i used clean capital letters that will resist fashionable demands of the moment and a tree, as a symbol of constant growth and wisdom of the owner, whitnessed in his moleskine's notebook. A tree is also the basic raw material for paper products, souch as moleskine's.

in logo2 i used handwritten font that looks like scribblings in the notebook. i also visually separated word 'moleskine' form appendix 'rie', the first is a brand and a company and the secound is appendix that relates to various activities undertaken under the name moleskine, souch as blog, etc.
letter 'e' is painted in red because it's the symbol of internet, main medium for blog.

logo3 depicts a notebook, main product of moleskine brand

logo 1

copy_6_moleskinerie_logo_1.jpg logo 2

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